Hi Semuanya,
Mohon "like" Facebook Account kami : caRE & reACH.
Melalui account tersebut akan terdapat banyak informasi singkat mengenai pelayanan dan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan maupun yang akan dilakukan caRE & reACH, yang tidak semuanya akan kami post di dalam blog ini.
Terima kasih. Semoga ministri ini dapat membantu dan memberkati Bapak/Ibu.
Tuhan memberkati.
Hi All,
Please "like" our Facebook Account : caRE & reACH.
Through that account, we will post a lot of information about special needs children ministries and activities that have been done or will be done by caRE & reACH. Note that not all those information will be posted in this blog.
Thank you. We really hope that this ministry will help and bless you.
God's blessings be with you.